Monday, May 14, 2012


Jeannette needs our letters of support- NOW! 

Hello again,

I still have not gotten any letters (except from two people, thank you) for Jeannette. I understand the weekend was beautiful, Mother's Day and life is busy, but please take a minute to write a letter for Jeannette so she can be out here with us all and enjoy beautiful weekends like this last one was. I need to mail the letters this week, as they need to get to the board two weeks before her hearing so,

I need your letter by May 18th, that is this Thursday.

I have gotten great feedback from my collegues at school and people have taken her stiry to their places of emplyment, I have gathered well over 50 letters from complete strangers, and the number continues to grow, I tell you this because it is a bit disheartening that people who dont know her are so willing to write letters while the people who do know her have yet to write a letter. So please, this will be my last email asking for letters, take a few minutes to write a letter today or tomorrow.

Thank you
Dawn  @ (206) 743-5266  or

PS If you are having trouble on what to say or how to write the letter I can send you examples or give you pointers on how to write a good letter, and remember it only needs to be a few paragraphs.

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